Moving to High Value Provider Networks: A Call to Action
December 2017, Connecticut Stakeholders on Health Care Value
The Influencers: Accelerating Payment and Delivery Reform
November 2017, National Alliance of Health Care Coalitions Annual Conference
Hospital Mergers: How Proposed Partnerships in Rhode Island Affect Health Care Affordability
October 2017, Rhode Island Business Group on Health Annual Meeting
Five Strategies to Improve the Affordability of Care
September 2017, California Health Care Summit: Strategies for Improving the Affordability of Care & Coverage
Why Do Employers Care About the Consolidation of Health Care Providers?
June 2017, The 2017 Summer Meeting for the National Association of Attorneys General
Purchaser Strategies for Higher-Value Health Care
June 2017, Healthcare Collaborative of Greater Columbus
Purchaser Tools to Build a Higher-Value Healthcare Market
May 2017, HealthCare 21’s 21st Annual Health & Productivity Forum