We Can Only Push For A Better Health Care System If We Work Together
How Can Your Organization Work With CPR?
Benefits Staff: Enhance your high-value purchasing efforts
- Benefits Staff can request a free Catalyze.org account
- Access 100+ tools, case studies, and event recordings once logged in
- Consider CPR Premier Membership (open to purchasers and benefits consulting organizations)
Others: Inquire about access to CPR resources and collaborating
- Learn about our enterprise subscription program, providing Catalyze.org login and event access
- Consider CPR Affiliate Membership
- Inquire about sponsorship opportunities
- Propose an idea for working together
Ask a Question
- Set up an introductory call to learn more about CPR
- Pose a question about our research or a resource
- Invite CPR staff to speak at your event
- Engage CPR staff for consulting or subcontracting opportunities
What Is The CPR Community Saying?
Any time employers collectively request the same thing, we think we will be stronger if we unify our voice and it will be easier for the health plans to comply.