Catalyst for Payment Reform

High-Value Maternity Networks: Designing for Quality, Equity, and Patient Experience

High-Value Maternity Networks: Designing for Quality, Equity, and Patient Experience

All health care purchasers – including employers and public purchasers – have a stake in reducing racial health disparities in maternity care.

In July 2020, the 32BJ Health Fund successfully launched its High-Value Maternity Network and accompanying 32BJ Maternity Program. To complement this work, the 32BJ Health Fund received a grant from New York State Health Foundation to help other health care purchasers replicate the strategy. The Health Fund partnered with CPR to develop the Building a High-Value Maternity Network toolkit, which was released during a free webinar in March 2020. CPR and the Health Fund also invited one of the providers selected to the network – Mount Sinai Health System – to participate in the webinar.


  • Welcome & Introduction, Alejandra Vargas-Johnson, Catalyst for Payment Reform
  • Designing and Implementing a High-Value Maternity Network, Sara Rothstein – Director, and Jackie Meilak – Clinical Partnerships Director, The 32BJ Health Fund
  • Mount Sinai’s Perspective: Meeting the purchaser’s needs and advancing health equity through a direct contract, Lucas Pauls – Labor Health Lead, Mount Sinai Health System
  • Introducing the Building a High-Value Maternity Network Toolkit, Julianne McGarry – Director of Projects and Research, and Emma Wager – Former Projects and Research Associate, Catalyst for Payment Reform

Recorded March 3, 2021

Ready to take action? Download the Building High-Value Maternity Network Toolkit.

For more insights from our speakers and their organizations, check out:

