Catalyst for Payment Reform

June 2022

Dr. Jeff Wells speaks about advanced primary care and Marathon Health

Suzanne calls up Dr. Jeff Wells, CEO and co-founder of Marathon Health to talk about advanced primary care models and how it fits in with onsite and near-site clinic, and virtual care.

Suzanne and Jeff dive into the term advanced primary care and how it differs from prior terminology used to describe high-value primary care strategies. In addition, they discuss why there is a lack of primary care providers compared to most other developed countries and what the future looks like for primary care.

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Peter Lee on the last twenty years in health care reform

Suzanne calls up Peter Lee, the former Executive Director of Covered California to talk about the last twenty years in health care reform. He explains how many of the payment reforms executed in the commercial space have really been on the margins, and many employees are spending more for worse care than ever before.

So what’s the problem? Lack of real alignment on measures, and not enough dollars at play at the right level. “We focused a lot on provider level payment…not at the health plans. Health care is a team sport, if we aren’t making the quarterback of the team, the health plans, accountable for quality and value, nothing is going to happen.”

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Aneesh Chopra on Price Transparency and Data

Suzanne calls up Aneesh Chopra, Co-Founder and President of CareJourney, to talk about the current state of health care transparency policy and how the US is faring. So, what’s the mood on current regulations and government oversight? “The general feeling in the field is one of skepticism,” says Chopra, but he’s much more bullish on it. According to Chopra, based on research CareJourney conducted in partnership with Turquoise Health, “two-thirds of hospitals as of the spring of 2022…actually have meaningful, high-quality transparency data.” The question now is are we going to see this information put to use?

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