Catalyst for Payment Reform


Vikas Saini on The Lown Institute’s Hospital Index

Andréa calls Dr. Vikas Saini, President of the LOWN Institute to discuss their Hospital Index which measures a hospital’s social responsibility, examining how hospitals rank in terms of health outcomes, value and equity. The index is comprised of 53 different metrics, Dr. Saini explains how they collect and analyze their data.

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All I Want for Health Care in 2022…

December is a time for reflection: both on the year that passed, and on the year to come.  December is also a time for giving – regardless of one’s faith or lack thereof.  This got us thinking at CPR: if we could give one gift to the American health care system in 2022, what would it be, and what can we at CPR do to make our wish-list a reality in the year to come?

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