Catalyst for Payment Reform

From Political Organizing to CPR: Why the Two are not that Different

From Political Organizing to CPR: Why the Two are not that Different

My name is Torie Nugent-Peterson and I’m the newest member of the Catalyst for Payment Reform (CPR) team. As CPR’s Operations and Marketing Associate, I will be responsible for coordinating internally many of CPR’s efforts as well as leading and implementing the communications and marketing strategy. It’s a big role – one in which our paths may likely cross at some point.

While my background is in political organizing around issues of environmental justice, as a health care consumer, I have lived in the “washing machine” that is the American health care system. It was my experience as a health care consumer that attracted me to CPR and this role; CPR is trying to make the health care system function better for those who buy health care – employers, other health care purchasers – and consumers like me!

I led marketing efforts as an organizer, heading up the media and messaging team for a group called Extinction Rebellion New Orleans. #whodat? Working as a political organizer can be a lot like working for a nonprofit creating positive change. I am asked to perform many jobs, work alongside the best colleagues, and each staff member is fiercely dedicated to the organization’s mission. I’m lucky that both my experience organizing and now working with CPR have followed that pattern.

So, how can a political organizer enhance CPR’s marketing strategy? I think the answer is simple – action. We must focus on how CPR is a driver of action, in tandem with our employer-purchaser members, to remake the world in the way we believe it can be through the lens of our mission. We drive action by pushing all stakeholders in the system: Health plans, to offer high-value products; Purchasers, to implement high-value purchasing strategies; and Providers, to provide high-quality, low-cost care.

I welcome any tips you have on how I can best get your attention and that of your peers, as we are a small non-profit that continues to learn and experiment. Thanks to all for the very warm welcome; I’m so excited to get started!

Send me a marketing tip or just say hello at!

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