Catalyst for Payment Reform

Bob Galvin on what COVID-19 means for health care purchasers

Listen in as CPR’s Executive Director, Suzanne Delbanco, dials up Bob Galvin, MD, Operating Partner of Equity Healthcare and former Executive Director of Health Services and Chief Medical Officer for General Electric. As one of CPR’s founders, Bob Galvin knows that employer-purchasers have the power to demand better value from the health system; the question is, how should employer-purchasers proceed now, in light of COVID-19?

There is the possibility that this pandemic, and its aftermath, will provide the external force necessary to ramp up health care reform in the United States. It’s up to employers-purchasers to act, using the tools available to them like CPR’s new COVID-19 Reporting & Strategy resource, CPR’s Health Plan Renewal Questionnaire, and, finally, joining CPR’s Collaborative to work together with other benefit managers to evaluate both COVID-19 impacts and 2021 benefits strategies.

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