Catalyst for Payment Reform

Alejandra Vargas-Johnson

Alan Muney, MD, on why large health plans have a total cost of care advantage

Listen in as Suzanne Delbanco connects with Alan Muney, MD, MHA, former Chief Medical Officer of Cigna, former CEO of Equity Healthcare, and current health care advisor to multiple venture equity firms. This interview is part of CPR’s current work to understand whether group purchasing efforts can secure better health care value for employer-purchasers.

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Want to improve maternity care? Embrace health equity

Health equity provides the principles and framework to address the maternal health disparity crisis in the U.S. The premise is simple: By improving care for those most likely to face poor outcomes, stakeholders can ensure that the health system is preventing poor outcomes for all patients.

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Why many employers have primary care on their mind

Amazon is far from alone as an employer interested in rolling out a primary care strategy for their plan members. CPR is ready to help employer-purchasers understand the latest evidence on high-value primary care and the dynamic primary care marketplace.

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